Sunday, April 10, 2011

reason #22 on the lent list...

Reason #22 not to sin.....

Because sin steals my reputation and robs me of my testimony.

As I thought about how sin steals from us, I looked up the definitions of "steal" and "rob". Sin as a thief takes on some eerie significance when these definitions are applied......

STEAL (From Merriam-Webster:)

to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice
to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly
to steal or attempt to steal a base

to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully
to take away by force or unjust means
to take surreptitiously or without permission
to make oneself the focus of
to appropriate to oneself or beyond one's proper share
to move, convey, or introduce secretly smuggle

to seize, gain, or win by trickery, skill, or daring
to reach safely solely by running, usually catching the opposing team off guard

ROB (From Merriam-Webster:)

to steal from to take something away from by force
to take personal property from by violence or threat
to remove valuables without right from (a place)

to steal to take away as loot
to deprive of something due, expected, or desired  

This is what sin does to my reputation and to my testimony. In many cases these losses can never be regained. Many of us would probably say that we try not to worry what others think and that we are content in knowing that God's opinion is the only one that matters. We say things like "God is my defender and the keeper of my reputation." And though that is true and we shouldn't give undue weight to what others think, it is VERY important what they think about God as a result of watching our lives or interacting with us. When I'm sinning, I'm jeopardizing my chance to reflect Christ purely. Ruined reputations and stolen testimonies are a big deal. Just ask anyone who's been through it.

John 10:10 says "the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy" and sin is the primary weapon in that arsenal. Recognizing the enemy's intent to defraud is a necessary step, but refusing to give ground and jeopardize the reputation and testimony that hang in the balance are crucial to victory.


1 comment:

  1. I don't want to not comment because I think this one is a great one to think about. Sometimes I think with sin we can say, "well that's not me, but I can think of someone else who did that." Sometimes that's ok to do, only because when you ...look at how someone else sinned and the way you thought of them after that, maybe it will help us to realize how others might think of us when we sin. And we do sin, but I think we forget about our sin more than we tend to forget and forgive others of their sins. I don't want any sin to take away my testimony. I have an awesome story of who God is in my life and all He can do, and I would hate to lessen that by sin I commit. Amen
